Maintaining a Healthy Smile: Cavity Prevention Tips for Everyone

Good oral hygiene is often overlooked in our daily routines, but it plays a vital role in our overall health. The American Dental Association emphasizes the importance of simple yet effective habits: brushing and flossing at least twice a day. Understanding the causes of cavities can empower you to prevent them. 

What Causes Cavities? 

Cavities, those pesky tooth holes, form due to bacteria and acids eroding tooth enamel. If left untreated, they can escalate to abscesses or even require a root canal. Swift treatment, often involving a small filling, can restore your tooth’s functionality and alleviate pain. 

Preventing Cavities: A Daily Commitment 

The foundation of cavity prevention lies in consistent oral care. Embrace these habits for a healthy smile: 

  • Brush and Floss: Brush your teeth at least twice a day and ideally after every meal. Floss to remove particles stuck between teeth. 
  • Mouthwash Matters: Use antibacterial mouthwash daily, especially before bedtime, to eliminate lingering bacteria. 
  • Regular Dental Checkups: Schedule dental visits at least annually. Your dentist can provide personalized tips and spot issues early. 
  • Sealants and Topical Treatments: Consult your dentist about sealants, which shield enamel, and topical treatments that enhance protection. 
  • Fluoridated Tap Water: Consume tap water, rich in fluoride, to strengthen enamel. Fluoride prevents tooth decay and ensures stronger teeth. 
  • Teeth-Friendly Diet: Opt for teeth-friendly foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy, cheese, and unsweetened beverages. Avoid sugary items. 
  • Professional Guidance: Seek advice from your Dental365 dentist and hygienist  


Understanding Cavity Treatments 

While fillings address small cavities, larger ones necessitate crowns to prevent further damage. Root canals are essential when infection reaches the tooth’s core. Newer treatments, like fluorescent light detection and innovative sealants, offer proactive cavity prevention. 

Start your journey towards a cavity-free, radiant smile today. Choose Dental365 for comprehensive dental care that goes beyond the basics, ensuring you not only prevent cavities but also enhance your overall quality of life. Your smile deserves the best, and at Dental365, we’re committed to making it happen. Schedule your appointment now and let your healthy, happy smile begin here. 

When Every Second Counts: A Guide to Urgent Dental Care

In the realm of dental issues, time is of the essence. Delaying treatment, especially during emergencies, can have severe consequences not just for your dental health but for your overall well-being. Emergency dentistry at Dental365 is your lifeline when faced with urgent oral problems. Here’s why swift action is crucial: 

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency? 

Dental emergencies encompass a range of critical situations such as knocked-out or partially dislodged teeth, prolonged bleeding, unbearable pain, significant swelling, objects stuck between teeth, and jaw dysfunctions. Identifying these symptoms early on is essential. If you experience any of these issues, don’t hesitate. 

Immediate Action Is Vital 

When faced with a dental emergency, calling Dental365 should be your immediate response. While you might not receive instant treatment, alerting a dentist about your urgent dental problem is the first step towards resolution. The longer you delay, the worse your symptoms can become, potentially jeopardizing your oral and general health. 

Precautionary Measures at Home 

While awaiting professional care, there are temporary measures you can take: 

Rinse with Saltwater

Swishing salty water in your mouth helps remove debris and acts as a disinfectant, combating harmful bacteria responsible for infections. 

Pain Management

Over-the-counter pain medication can provide short-term relief, easing discomfort until professional treatment is available. 

Control Bleeding

Use a clean cloth or gauze to slow down bleeding. Apply gentle pressure to the affected area to minimize blood flow. 

Reduce Swelling

A cold compress, wrapped in cloth, can be applied to the affected cheek. This helps constrict blood vessels, reducing swelling and discomfort. 

Preserving a Knocked-Out Tooth

If you lose a tooth, find it, very gently rinse it with water, and store it properly, preferably in milk. Swift action increases the chances of successful restoration. 

Avoid Sharp Objects

Refrain from using sharp objects to dislodge items stuck between teeth. Instead, use dental floss gently. If unsuccessful, wait for professional assistance. 


Remember, your oral health is paramount. At Dental365, we understand the urgency of dental problems. Act promptly, and your smile will thank you. 

What Happens If You Leave a Broken Tooth Untreated?

Are you experiencing tooth pain due to a broken tooth? Don’t ignore it! Even though teeth are strong, they can break under certain circumstances. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why teeth break and the potential consequences of leaving a broken tooth untreated. Read on to understand the importance of seeking prompt dental care and learn about treatment options available at Dental365, your trusted dental office.

Causes of Tooth Breakage

Teeth can break due to various factors, including:

  • Biting down on hard substances like ice or tough foods 
  • Using teeth as tools for non-dental purposes 
  • Accidental falls or blows to the face 
  • Untreated cavities that weaken tooth structure 
  • Teeth grinding or clenching 
  • Presence of large, old amalgam fillings that do not support the enamel 

Understanding Cracked or Broken Teeth 

Cracked or Broken Teeth: What You Need to Know 

When a tooth cracks or breaks, it requires professional dental care. Here’s what you should understand: 

  • Symptoms of a cracked tooth include pain while chewing or releasing the bite, constant or intermittent pain, and sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. 
  • Prompt treatment is crucial to prevent further damage. 
  • A root canal procedure may be necessary if the crack has reached the tooth’s pulp. 
  • Placement of a dental crown can protect the cracked tooth and prevent the crack from spreading. 
  • Extraction may be the only option if the crack extends below the gum line. 

Can a Broken Tooth be Saved? 

Saving a Broken Tooth: Possibilities and Infections 

A broken tooth resulting from an untreated crack, cavity, or trauma requires immediate dental attention to avoid complications. Consider the following: 

  • Taking immediate steps, such as rinsing the mouth with warm water, applying pressure to bleeding areas, using cold packs, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers, can help manage the situation until professional help is available. 
  • Treatment for a broken tooth depends on the extent of damage and may involve a root canal and placement of a dental crown. 
  • In cases where saving the tooth is not possible, extraction is necessary, followed by replacement options like dental bridges or implants. 
  • Delayed treatment allows bacteria to enter the tooth’s soft tissues, potentially leading to an abscess formation and spreading infection. 
  • An abscess can cause severe pain and complications if left untreated, as the infection can spread to other parts of the body. 

Act Now to Save Your Tooth – Dental365 is Here to Help! 

Don’t neglect a broken tooth! Seek immediate dental care to prevent further damage and potential complications. Dental365 offers comprehensive treatment options and emergency services. Contact us today by calling 844-365-DENTAL or filling out the form on this page to schedule an appointment. Our offices are open seven days a week, and we provide affordable care and financing options for your convenience. Trust Dental365 to restore your oral health and preserve your smile.

Relief from Tooth Nerve Pain: Effective Strategies and Treatment Options

Relief from Tooth Nerve Pain: Effective Strategies and Treatment Options 

Tooth nerve pain can range from mild discomfort to excruciating agony, necessitating immediate attention from a dentist. In this article, we will explore strategies to help manage tooth nerve pain and discuss potential treatment options available at Dental365. Discover how you can find relief from tooth nerve pain and ensure optimal oral health. 

Managing Tooth Nerve Pain

What Can Help Alleviate Tooth Nerve Pain? 

Tooth nerve pain can be triggered by consuming certain foods and beverages. By avoiding the following items, you may reduce your pain until you can schedule a dentist appointment: 

  • Ice water 
  • Hot or iced tea 
  • Coffee 
  • Soda 
  • Sports drinks 
  • Ice cream 
  • Cookies 
  • Candy 
  • Citrus fruits 
  • Tomatoes 
  • Pickles 

Understanding the Sensation of Tooth Nerve Pain 

Tooth nerve pain can manifest as either a sharp, stabbing sensation or a dull ache. If you have an exposed tooth nerve, specific foods and drinks are likely to trigger the pain. 

Seeking Dental Treatment 

Will Tooth Nerve Pain Subside Naturally? 

Tooth nerve pain usually requires dental treatment to resolve. Exceptions include cases where the tooth is healing after a dental procedure. While waiting for your dental appointment, you can find temporary relief by avoiding pain triggers and using toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth along with a soft-bristled toothbrush. 

Identifying Symptoms of a Dying Nerve in a Tooth 

A dying nerve in a tooth can cause pain when your body’s immune response to the dead or dying nerve causes inflammation. The inflammatory response can cause pain and symptoms like swelling, unpleasant taste, or odor in your mouth. Occasionally, the affected tooth may exhibit discoloration. 

Soothing an Exposed Tooth Nerve 

To soothe an exposed tooth nerve, use toothpaste specially formulated for sensitive teeth and brush gently. Furthermore, it is essential to avoid triggers like hot and cold foods and beverages. 

Addressing Severe Exposed Tooth Nerves 

When dealing with a severe exposed tooth nerve, professional dental treatment is necessary. Dentists typically address this issue by removing the diseased nerve tissue through a root canal procedure and then strengthening the tooth with a filling, crown, or onlay. 

Understanding Nerve Damage and Healing 

Can a Tooth Heal Itself? 

Under certain circumstances, nerve pain can be reversed if the inflammation is mild and the tooth pulp not irreversibly damaged. This may involve the placement of a filling. However, if symptoms are severe, a root canal may be required. 

Recognizing Nerve Damage in Your Tooth 

Pain is usually the primary indicator of nerve damage in a tooth. Initially, you may experience sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages. As the condition progresses, the pain can intensify and persist throughout the day and night. 

Tooth Nerve Pain: Seeking Timely Treatment 

Tooth nerve pain rarely resolves on its own. It only subsides once the underlying cause of nerve damage is corrected. Therefore, it is crucial to consult a dentist promptly for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. 

If you are currently experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity, do not delay seeking treatment and relief. At Dental365, we offer comprehensive dental care with multiple convenient office locations. Book your appointment now! Take the first step toward alleviating tooth nerve pain by booking an appointment with our experienced dental professionals today. Trust Dental365 for exceptional oral health and a pain-free smile. 

Teeth Grinding at Night: Signs, Effects, and Treatment

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common habit that primarily occurs during sleep. If left untreated, it can lead to chronic pain and dental damage. In this article, we’ll explore the signs of teeth grinding, its long-term effects, and effective treatment options. 

What does it mean if you grind your teeth? 

During sleep, many individuals unconsciously grind, gnash, or clench their teeth, resulting in forceful contact that can cause significant damage. Although bruxism can occur during the day, it is most prevalent at night. Surprisingly, most people who grind their teeth are unaware of this habit until their partner informs them. 

Signs that you may be grinding your teeth: 

It’s important to be aware of potential symptoms since teeth grinding often goes unnoticed. Look out for the following signs: 

  • Sore and painful jaw 
  • Headaches 
  • Earaches 
  • Increased tooth sensitivity to hot or cold stimuli 
  • Facial pain 
  • Dental damage, such as flattened, chipped, or worn-down teeth 
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Stiff shoulders 

Potential long-term damage caused by teeth grinding: 

Untreated teeth grinding can result in the following long-term consequences: 

  • Temporomandibular (TMJ) disorder, which damages the joints in your jaw 
  • Tooth damage, including breakage or excessive wear that may necessitate root canals or replacement teeth 
  • Loose teeth 
  • Aggravation of existing gum inflammation 
  • Reduced jaw mobility 

Managing and treating teeth grinding: 

In some cases, making lifestyle changes can help reduce bruxism. Consider the following approaches: 

  • Seek stress relief through exercise, massage, yoga, or other relaxation techniques 
  • Avoid stimulants in the evenings, including caffeine, smoking, and excessive television 
  • Correct malocclusions (Braces or Invisalign) 
  • Replace missing teeth to stabilize your bite 
  • Correct defective dental restorations 

If lifestyle modifications do not provide sufficient relief, additional remedies may be necessary. 

Night guards are a commonly prescribed and highly effective treatment for clenching or grinding teeth. Your dentist can create a custom mouth guard typically made of hard acrylic by taking a mold or digital scan of your teeth and mouth. This guard is worn only at night, typically on the upper teeth. 

Following treatment for teeth grinding any resulting long-term damage can be corrected using dental crowns or other appropriate methods. 

If you experience one or more symptoms of teeth grinding, do not hesitate to contact Dental365. With multiple convenient locations, we offer extended business hours on weekdays, are open seven days a week, and provide emergency dental services.