How Long Should I Brush My Teeth? Optimal Brushing Habits for Good Oral Health

Maintaining strong teeth and a healthy smile is crucial, and practicing good oral hygiene is the key. One of the essential habits for maintaining oral health is brushing your teeth regularly. In this article, we will explore the optimal brushing habits, including how long to brush, the best times to brush, and the benefits of sugar-free gum. If you’re looking for professional dental care, schedule an appointment with our experts today. 

How Many Times Should I Brush My Teeth?

To achieve good oral health, it is necessary to brush your teeth twice daily. Brushing once in the morning and once before bed is recommended. Additionally, if feasible, brushing your teeth after lunch is encouraged. If brushing after lunch isn’t possible, thorough rinsing of the mouth can help dislodge food particles and maintain mouth cleanliness. 

What Happens If I Brush My Teeth Too Long?

Each brushing session should last at least two minutes. This ensures that your toothbrush reaches all surfaces of your teeth, including the inside, outside, and chewing surfaces. Brushing for too long, however, can have negative consequences. Excessive brushing can lead to the use of excessive force, which may result in tooth enamel erosion and gum damage. These conditions can ultimately cause tooth sensitivity. 

How Long After Eating Should I Brush My Teeth?

If you have breakfast before brushing your teeth, it’s recommended to wait for about an hour before brushing. Acidic foods can soften tooth enamel, and brushing immediately after eating can remove the enamel, which acts as a protective layer against tooth decay. 

Is It Bad to Eat after Brushing My Teeth?

Eating after brushing your teeth is generally fine. However, if you are prone to cavities, it’s advisable to wait as long as possible after brushing to allow the fluoride in the toothpaste to strengthen your tooth enamel. 

Is it OK to Chew Gum after Brushing My Teeth?

Chewing gum after brushing is acceptable, provided it is sugar-free. Sugar-free gum containing artificial sweeteners like sorbitol or xylitol does not cause tooth decay. In fact, chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes after a meal helps neutralize acids that erode enamel. Other benefits include reducing plaque buildup, stimulating saliva production to combat dry mouth and bad breath, and reducing certain types of bacteria and cancer-causing agents. 

What’s the Best Time to Brush My Teeth?

Establish a habit of brushing your teeth once in the morning and again before bed. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste containing fluoride. Nighttime is also the ideal time to floss your teeth, removing food particles that lead to plaque and tooth decay. 

Maintaining good oral health requires adopting optimal brushing habits. Brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time, avoiding excessive force. Wait for about an hour after eating before brushing if you have consumed acidic foods. Chewing sugar-free gum after brushing can provide additional oral health benefits.

For professional dental care and guidance, schedule an appointment with our experts. We offer convenient office hours, walk-in appointments, and affordable care options. 

When to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed: Signs, Extraction Procedure, and Recovery

How Long Should I Wait to Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed? 

If you’re wondering about the right time to get your wisdom teeth removed, it’s typically between the ages of 17 and 25 when these third molars make their appearance. Wisdom teeth are the last permanent teeth to emerge in the mouth, located at the back four corners. While some people experience no dental issues with their wisdom teeth, others may face problems that necessitate their removal. 

Reasons for Wisdom Teeth Removal 

An impacted wisdom tooth is one that lacks the necessary space to grow properly. This can lead to pain, discomfort, infections, and other dental problems requiring extraction. Your dentist or oral surgeon will perform the wisdom tooth removal procedure. 

Signs of Wisdom Teeth Growth 

Wisdom teeth often erupt without any noticeable symptoms, but some signs may indicate their growth: 

  • Mild pain 
  • Feeling of pressure 
  • Dull throbbing in the gums near your throat or jawbone 
  • Gum pain during the tooth eruption 
  • Shifting teeth 
  • Gum tissue flap over the emerging wisdom tooth 
  • Difficulty swallowing 
  • Cold or sore throat sensation for lower wisdom teeth 

When Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed? 

Many individuals undergo wisdom teeth removal when their teeth become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth occur when there isn’t enough space for them to erupt or when they develop abnormally. The following conditions may signal the need for removal: 

  • Slanted growth towards the next tooth or back of the mouth 
  • Horizontal growth at a right angle 
  • Straight growth but confined inside the jawbone 

Extraction Procedure 

The procedure for removing your wisdom teeth is very simple and can be comfortably performed by a skilled surgeon under local anesthesia with or without sedation.    

Once the area is sufficiently numbed, the gum tissue is opened and moved aside to provide access to the tooth.  Occasionally, an impacted wisdom tooth may be cut into sections to facilitate removal through a smaller opening.  Once the tooth is removed, the area is thoroughly cleaned and rinsed with irrigation and the wound is sutured closed with a dissolving suture.  

Post operative care after wisdom teeth removal consists of ice, elevation, gauze pressure, anti-inflammatory medications as well as antibiotics to prevent infection.  The normal healing time from wisdom teeth removal is 3-5 days.   

Post-operative care will be early discussed with you following your procedure. 

Recovery Process after Wisdom Tooth Extraction 

After the procedure, follow these recovery instructions: 

  • Regularly replace the gauze. 
  • Avoid strenuous activities and lying flat to prevent prolonged bleeding. Contact your doctor if bleeding persists after 24 hours. 
  • Use pillows to keep your head elevated when resting. 
  • Consult your doctor for over the counter or prescription pain medication options. 
  • Follow your doctor’s instructions to prevent dry sockets, which is the loss of blood clots at the surgical site. Stick to soft foods and avoid using straws to prevent dislodging the blood clot. 
  • Swelling and bruising may persist for several days, but using ice packs can help reduce these symptoms. Bruising might last a few days longer. 

At Dental365, we offer world-class and compassionate dental care. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about wisdom teeth removal.